Barbara G – Texas

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It will surely help me get up in the morning knowing that I have the best coffee available on the planet waiting for me!

Tony D – California

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It’s one of the true luxuries in life. I can now officially say it’s awesome. My wife likes it so much more than the I**y we’ve been drinking. It makes our morning coffee a smooth, rich, pleasurable experience as opposed … Continued

Jeffrey H – Illinois

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The best coffee ever, enjoyed it this morning!!!! really enjoyed your coffee! it rocks Your coffee really is awesome!

Barbara G – Texas

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“OMG, no bitter after taste, FRESH, actually tastes like coffee should, did I say FRESH!!!! I have always drank coffee to just get me going and to keep the headaches away. Never for the taste. Now I get to drink … Continued

Robert T – Alaska

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I made a cup with my Aeropress and I can’t recall ever tasting a better cup of coffee. I’ve tried 100%Kona coffee from several different farms and they’ve all been amazing, but this is the best so far!

Cindy L. – Washington

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I’m enjoying my second cup of Kona Fancy right now and it is awesome!  To me the roast tastes perfect, full-bodied but not bitter.